Stat Guide
This guide summarizes the core player stats now viewable in the Stats panel. The panel shows the active stats affecting your attack, defense, and skill actions. The panel does not currently take into consideration the stats of an opposing or allied character.
Core Stats
Weapon Damage Range
Displays the variance of the damage range that your weapon grants to non-static skills, including auto attack. Note, this does not change your average damage output.
The current enchantment you have placed on your equipped Weapon/Class/Cape/Helm, including the Enhancement Perk active on your weapon.
Strength grants Attack Power to all classes, and additionally extra Critical Chance to melee classes.
Intellect provides Spell Power and Magical Resistance to all classes, and additionally extra Damage and Cooldown Reduction for caster classes.
Endurance increases the Max Health of all classes.
Dexterity grants extra Hit Chance and Dodge Chance to melee classes.
Wisdom provides Dodge Chance to all classes, and additionally extra Hit Chance and Critical Chance to caster classes.
Luck increases Critical Chance and Critical Damage, and additionally provides small improvements to all classes’ favored stats.
Modifier Stats
Note: All damage affecting stats also increase the amount of healing dealt.
Damage Resistance
The percentage of incoming damage reduced from all sources (not including True Damage)
Damage Boost
The percentage of increased damage you deal from all sources (not including True Damage). This affects DoTs at time of application, and again actively.
Physical Resistance
The percentage of incoming damage reduced from enemy physical and hybrid attacks.
Physical Boost
The percentage of increased damage you deal from physical and hybrid attacks.
Magical Resistance
The percentage of incoming damage reduced from enemy magical attacks.
Magical Boost
The percentage of increased damage you deal from magical and Damage Over Time (DoT) attacks, affects DoTs actively.
Healing Intake
The percentage of healing you receive from all sources.
Healing Boost
The percentage of increased healing you give to other players.
DoT Resistance
The percentage of incoming damage reduced from all Damage Over Time (DoT) effects, affects DoTs actively.
DoT Boost
The percentage of increased damage you deal with all Damage Over Time (DoT) effects. Only affects DoTs at the time of application.
Mana Consumption
The multiplier for all skills’ mana costs.
Combat Stats
Attack Power
A bonus to your base physical damage, before applying combat stats.
Spell Power
A bonus to your base magical damage, before applying combat stats.
Hit Chance
The chance of your damaging skills to connect and apply effects onto the opponent.
Cooldown Reduction
The percentage reduction of skill cooldowns. Also known as Haste.
Critical Chance
Your chance to deal a critical hit when attacking or using a skill, greatly increasing the amount of damage done or health restored. Note, DoTs cannot crit.
Critical Multiplier
The amount that your damage/healing is multiplied by when performing a critical hit.
Evasion Chance
Your chance to avoid and take no damage from an enemy attack. Note, some enemy attacks cannot be evaded!
Max Health
Your Hero’s total health.
Stat Models:
All classes have a base stat model assigned to them. This determines their base core stats, and their conversions from core stats to combat stats. Each model has a different niche to aim for, however, they're not all made equal. Melee classes will always have more favorable Attack Power conversions, for example, while the opposite is true for Casters.
Tank Melee
Often used on tanky melee classes, Tank Melees have high base Endurance and Strength, but low Luck. However, they have no particularly strongly favored combat stats.
Example: Warrior, Void Highlord
Dodge Melee
Often used on dodge-based melee classes, Dodge Melees have very high Dexterity. They favor Dodge chance and Cooldown Reduction conversions, and, combined with their high base Dexterity, often have very high favored combat stats.
Example: Rogue, Yami no Ronin
Power Melee
Often used on high damage melee classes, Power Melees have high Strength and Dexterity, and fairly high luck. They have favorable Critical Chance, Dodge Chance, and Cooldown Reduction conversions, and often have very high combat stats.
Example: Berserker, Glacial Berserker
Defensive Caster
Often used on support casters and healers, Defensive Casters have high Endurance and Intellect, with favorable Cooldown Reduction conversions, and bonus Magical Damage. They often have very high Cooldown Reduction and Max Health, but fairly even remaining stats.
Example: Healer, Lord of Order
Offensive Caster
Often used on high damage caster classes, Offensive Casters have very high Intellect, and fairly high Luck. They have favorable Critical Chance conversions, and bonus Magical Damage, which often results in very high offensive combat stats and damage output.
Example: Mage, Legion Revenant
Power Caster
Often used on utility and rounded caster classes, Power Casters have high Wisdom, and fairly high Intellect and Endurance. However, they have no particularly strongly favored combat stat conversions, but still have bonus Magical Damage. This results in fairly well rounded combat stats.
Example: Oracle, Shaman
Full Hybrid
Often used in classes with a mix of magical and physical damage types, Full Hybrids have high Strength, Intellect, Endurance, and Dexterity, but very low Wisdom and Luck. They have favorable Attack Power, Spell Power, Dodge, and Cooldown Reduction conversions, as well as having bonus Magical Damage. This results in them having well rounded defensive combat stats, but fairly low Critical Hit Chance and Critical Multiplier.
Luck Hybrid
Rarely used, but on special and luck-based classes, Luck Hybrids have middling base stats except for very high Luck. They favor all conversions except for Critical Multiplier. This results in having extremely high combat stats all around, but a lower than normal Critical Multiplier and Max Health.
Example: Pirate, Great Thief